I'm fine baby, how are you? -@adieluthfi

Kamis, 20 Juni 2013

Wonderful Indonesia | Prambanan Temple

Prambanan Temple

Prambanan temple is one of the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia. Prambanan temple was built in the 9th century AD. The temple is situated in the village of Prambanan, Prambanan village where the territory is divided between Sleman and Klaten districts.
Prambanan included in the world heritage site (UNESCO). the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia is also one of the most beautiful temple in south east asia. Architecture of this building height and slender shaped in accordance with Hindu architecture in general. And Siwa temple as the main temple which had reached a height of 47 meters.

According Siwagrha inscriptions, this temple was built around the year 850 AD by Rakai Pikatan, and continue to be developed and expanded by Balitung Maha Sambu in the Medang Mataram kingdom.
The entrance to the building complex located at the four corners of the wind direction, but the direction toward this building is to the east, the temple's main entrance is the east gate. Prambanan temple complex consists of:

  • 3 Temple Trimurti: Shiva temple, Vishnu, and Brahma
  • 3 Wahana Temple: Nandi temple, Garuda, and Geese
  • 2 Apit Temple: located between rows of Trimurti temples and Wahana temples in the north and south
  • 4 Kelir Temple: located in the 4 corners of the wind just inside the entrance to the inner courtyard or the core zone
  • 4 Patok Temple: located at the 4 corners of the pages or the core zone

Prambanan Temple
224 Perwara Temple: arranged in four concentric rows of temples the number of rows to deepest outer: 44, 52, 60, and 68. So there are a total of 240 temples in Prambanan complex. But now only 18 temples, namely the 8 main temples and eight small temples in the core zone and 2 perwara temples. Many perwara temples are not restored, of 224 perwara temples only 2 that have been restored, which left only a pile of rocks that littered.
Prambanan Temple

Access to Prambanan temple:
1. From solo can use the bus (Solo - Yogya). With Rp.7000 rates. For economic bus, and get off at red lights pramabanan.
2. From the airport Adi Sucipto can use the bus trans Yogya. With Rp.3000 rates. Prambanan off at the stop, and walk to the entrance about 150 meters.

The admission price is 30,000 prambanan today and for packet Prambanan-Ratu Boko charged Rp.45.000
More Info: Borobudur Park

Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

Manfaat Air Putih

Sebagaimana kita tahu, air putih itu berguna untuk menghilangkan dahaga pada saat kita merasa haus. Tapi ternyata, dibalik itu semua air putih memiliki berbagai macam manfaat bagi tubuh kita. Apa saja? Ini dia..
Air Putih
1. Yang paling utama adalah, air putih itu dapat menghilangkan dahaga pada saat kita merasa haus.
2. Air putih bisa meningkatkan energi, dimana energi tersebut digunakan untuk aktivitas sehari-hari.
3. Dapat mengeluarkan racun dalam tubuh.
4. Meningkatkan fungsi otak dan mencegah terjadinya demam.
5. Air putih sangat baik untuk kulit, terutama bagi wanita yang ingin selalu terlihat cantik. Karena fungsi air sebagai pengatur dan meregulasi keseimbangan alami kulit, sehingga air putih disebut sebagai krim kulit alami. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang baik, cobalah untuk meminum segelas air putih begitu bangun tidur dan sebelum tidur. Lakukan kebiasaan tersebut setiap hari, karena dapat memperbaiki sel-sel kulit dan membuat wajah tampak lebih muda.